Book Crack

What is "Book Crack?" Have you ever read a book that you couldn't put down? I'm talking about a book that you have you remind yourself to eat and sleep while your reading that book. You know the book... the one that you think about and are itching to pick back up while you are doing something else.
Well my dear friends... THAT is Book Crack.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Story of My Addiction

     I never was an avid reader during childhood. As a matter of fact, my addiction didn’t start until the winter of 2008. A friend at work had suggested that I read Twilight (thanks Traci!). Like many others, I was hooked by the time I finished the book. I went on to read the rest of the series and then I was jonesin’ for more.
     Another friend at work (thanks Chris!) suggested that I read the Sookie Stackhouse Novels. This was my first introduction to smut, mild as it may have been. By the time I was done with Sookie’s books not only was I addicted to reading but I had begun to travel the ever passionate road to smutville.
     At that time I did not know of many people at work that were avid Paranormal Romance readers. I was at a loss. I had no suggestions and no guidance as to what my next fix should be. One day while at Wal-Mart, I decided that I would go see what was in the romance section of their small library. I probably read about twenty book covers before settling on a book. I took the book home and found a very intense fix: Desire Unchained by Larissa Ione. Anyone who has read this series knows that this series did nothing but drag me into my addiction even more. Damn, that book was good. To this day, Larissa Ione is still my favorite author and that is still one of my favorite books.
     I eventually found that as I added books that I have read and liked to the website would suggest other books for me to read. Every time I would look at my list of suggestions there would be the same book popping up: JR Ward’s Dark Lover. Need I say more?
     To this day my addiction would wax and wane but it is still there like a pilot light waiting to roar to life.
I do not in any way condone the use of illegal drugs. The reference to crack is merely to illustrate the addictive nature of reading a favorite book.